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A “not too horrible” general gaming podcast in production for more years than we care to admit.

Dice are our vice.

Blogging Bloggers who Blog

Oct 29, 2009

Several of the folks involved with the D6G Team have recently taken up blogging in their spare time.

If you'd like to see what they're blogging about, here is a handy list of links.

D6G Team

Craig's Blog: Link

Raef's Blog: Link

Russ's Blog: Link


Nicole's Blog: Link

Owen's Blog: Link

Ken's Blog: Link 



Oct 28, 2009

Howdy D6G Fans,

We had a bit of a SNAFU in Episode 42 and originally forgot to include the Space Hulk results in the show! 

We've corrected this issue and uploaded a corrected version of Episode 42.  The new version was published late on Oct. 27th, 2009.

If you downloaded episode 42 on 10/28/2009 or later, you've got...

Oct 27, 2009

Episode 42: The answer show!  How do you run a figure painting business?  Who won our Space Hulk prize?  And just how does Warhammer Invasion work?

The D6G Team has a very interesting chat with Navin of  We learn the challenges of running your own business in Sri Lanke.

Later Hollywood leads us...

Oct 20, 2009

Just a quick audio reminder for subscribers that Ep. 42 has been delayed a week. Oh, and there's a little teaser in here about a segment change as well.




Oct 6, 2009

Rush 'n Crush, Rogue Trader RPG, and a Sea of Blood interview all in one show?  Yep!

First up the D6G team tackles the 'Speed Racer meets Formula D' board game Rush 'n Crush from Rackham and AEG to give you a detailed review from the machine guns to the mine layers and all the racing goodness in between.

Later the guys...