Apr 1, 2014
John "That Cowboy Guy" Gibson joins us in the third chair. John's been involved in the game and geek scene for a long time and is well known for his voice work, game design, and cosplay.
It's time to ride the Russian Rails as the trio dig into the hot new euro board game "Russian Rails". Why is this game so hot, and what makes it fun?
But first Craig and Russ ask John to fill in the appeal of Solo games...what types of solo games are out there and why did he design one?.
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The following fine organizations help make this show possible:
Myriad Games, on behalf of friendly, professional gaming stores everywhere.
Game Salute, latest gaming news, great stores, & more!
==Quick Reference==
The News: 1 hr 24 min
Solo Games: 1 hr 20 min
Total Fan Girl: 2 hr 3 min
Hollywood Minute: 2 hr 11 min
Russian Railroads Review: 2 hr 24 min
Links Discussed in the show:
Craig's Blog: www.McNerdigansPub.com
Russ's Blog: http://www.RussRant.com
Total Fan Girl Blog: Link
Pulp Gamer Network: Link