Jun 22, 2016
Ross Watson, RPG writer about town, is back in the third chair!
We catch up with Ross on his latest project, Savage Rifts: Adapting the classic Rifts RPG into the Savage Worlds system. How did the Kickstarter end up? Where is the project now and what can we look forward to?
Later we dive into a DM'ing tips and tricks session when Russ tries to create a new term: "The Tactical Narrative." What the heck is that and why should you try to make one as a game master?
All that plus:
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==Quick Reference==
App of the Ep: 42 min - War room 2
Savage Rifts: 51 min
Total Fan Girl: 1 hr 21 min
DMing the Tactical Narrative: 1 hr 27 min
Links Discussed in the show:
Craig's Blog: www.McNerdigansPub.com
Russ's Blog: http://www.RussRant.com
Total Fan Girl Blog: Link
Dice Tower Network: Link