Aug 3, 2010
It's been just about a year since the launch of Malifaux. The D6G team was happy to sit down with Eric Johns, the big cheese over at Wyrd Miniatures to discuss how the game did in year one, and what the new hotness is in the latest book and releases for the Malifaux miniature game.
Later Raef and Russ take advantage of Craig being distracted with a new son to discuss video games. With a focus on the recently released Starcraft 2 they examine what makes these games appealing.
All that and our other not-too-horrible segments including:
- Rapid Fire
- The Hollywood Minute
- The News
- Total Fan Girl
- & More
If you'd like to discuss the show with us and others in our forum
thread: click
The following fine organizations help make this show possible:
Myriad Games, on behalf of friendly, professional gaming stores everywhere.
==Quick Reference==
The News: 1 hr 3 min
Malifaux Interview: 1hr 9 min
Hollywood Minute: 1hr 56min
Total Fan Girl: 2 hr 6 min
Starcraft Chat: 2 hr 14 min
Links Discussed in the show:
Craig's Bookshelf: Link
Raef's Blog: Link
Craig's Blog: Link
Total Fan Girl Blog: Link
Pulp Gamer Network: Link