Oct 27, 2009
Episode 42: The answer show! How do you run a figure painting business? Who won our Space Hulk prize? And just how does Warhammer Invasion work?
The D6G Team has a very interesting chat with Navin of PaintedFigs.com We learn the challenges of running your own business in Sri Lanke.
Later Hollywood leads us through the mechanics and gameplay of Warhammer: Invasion.
All that and our usual 'not too
horrible' humor, with features such as:
- The Hollywood Minute
- Rapid Fire
- What's in the News
- When Wives Attack
- & More
If you'd like to discuss the show with us and others in our forum thread: click here.
The following fine organizations help make this show possible:
Myriad Games, on behalf of friendly, professional gaming stores everywhere.
==Quick Reference==
The News: 1 hr 3 min
When Wives Attack: 1 hr 1 min
Hollywood Minute: 1hr 8 min
Painted Figs Interview: 1 hr 13 min
Warhammer Invasion: 2 hr 24 min
Discussed in the show:
Skirmish Campaigns Raef mentioned: Link
D&D Surface Proof of Concept: Link
Craig's Blog: Link
Wargamer Radio Network: Link
Pulp Gamer Network: Link